Thank you for considering joining the AISD family. We understand that parents will have a lot of questions when picking the right school for their child. Please see below the answers to our most frequently asked questions here at the Australian International School Dubai.
The Australian Curriculum. Australia prides itself on delivery of a futures-oriented education. Twenty First Century skills are critical if our students are to be successful socially, emotionally and academically for a world they are still to create. Research shows in the Western world that students at school now don’t even know what types of roles they may have once they leave school, so it is imperative that we develop adaptable young people who can succeed in their life choices.
The Australian Curriculum challenges students to excel and be creative, active and respected citizens in our evolving global society. We ensure our children have the skills to develop meaningful relationships within a positive and warm learning environment and enable them to learn in a culture promoting mutual respect and personal accountability. We find our curriculum delivery develops motivated and high achieving independent lifelong learners when they are engaged in a rigorous and relevant curriculum. Flexible delivery of curriculum delivered by experienced teachers ensures our students excel because they love learning in our classrooms and sharing their community responsibility.
Our style of education focuses on
- Engaged Learning: relevant activities and curriculum where active learning is negotiated through an Inquiry Approach
- Connected Learning: ensuring pathways for personal need – every child matters!
- Rigorous Learning: intellectual rigour, literacy, numeracy, ICT skills are developed in our children. Put simply, learning is what students do, not what is done to them
- ‘How to’ Learning: our curriculum is based on Core curriculum elements (CCEs), all of which develop skills for twenty-first-century futures and the need for children to understand the world they live in, so they can be active participants, not passive.
Most importantly, our students will love learning in the environment our school will foster.
Our UAE schools have an agreement with Education Queensland International to deliver the Australian Curriculum and are recognized as a result as providers of the New QCE.
In this world, graduates have many options for University study, if they have clear goals, work hard toward them and ensure they have kept options for University study open, graduates have the world at their feet.
AISD graduates have the opportunity to gain admission and attend universities in the UK, Canada, Australia, USA, Europe, Asia, and the UAE.
University destinations include
- University of Cambridge
- Kings College London
- University College London
- University of Edinburgh
- University of Amsterdam
- University of New South Wales
- University of Sydney
- University of Melbourne
- New York University
- Abu Dhabi, University of Maryland
- Penn State University
- McGill University
- Bond University
- Griffith and the University of Toronto
Our new ATAR senior curriculum will enable students to gain admission to many of the top universities worldwide.
Our students have access to the amazing facilities to learn and grow in.
Our 600 seat auditorium, two swimming pools, soccer field, tennis, and volleyball courts are already complete, along with our
- various playgrounds
- music rooms
- theatre
- library
- café
- state of the art science labs
- technology suites
- and indoor sports courts
are available for use!
We are proud to say that our teaching staff are Australian.
Please see our Schedule of Fees page for details.
Uniforms can be purchased from our Main Reception between 8:30am and 2:30pm.
As part of our Admission Process you will be invited to make an appointment to purchase your uniforms.
There will be sport, cultural and academic extracurricular opportunities for our students. Sports such as soccer, netball, touch football and swimming will be available. Cultural activities will include art and drama, and music lessons can be arranged for students if parents wish to encourage music early. Academic programs will include robotics and chess.
View an overview of the activities that are offered to our students across the year. Activities will change each term to align with the weather and provide variety.
Bus transport is available for all students and we have regular routes to all areas surrounding the school.
If you would like some further details on pick up times, pricing and locations please contact our Transport Manager by email sent to [email protected]
AIS Dubai supports a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) in our Upper Primary and Secondary classrooms.
Prep to Year 2 - Students in Year 2 and below will not be required to have a device and the school will provide access to iPads for students when required for learning activities.
Upper Primary and Secondary School - will need to purchase and bring along their device to school each day.
Please review our BYOD Policy for more information and device specifications.